
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Longdon, Queenhill and Holdfast Parish Council held on Monday, 7 November 2022 at Longdon Village Hall

Minutes Uploaded on January 12, 2023

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Longdon, Queenhill and Holdfast Parish Council held
on Monday, 7 November 2022 at Longdon Village Hall

Present: Chair Cllr Mullins, Vice-Chair Cllr Gray, Cllr Cook, Cllr Davey, Cllr Faram
County Councillor: Cllr Wells (from Item 6)
In Attendance: Mark Ball, PC Kevin Johns
(item 6 g), Dave Mullins

1. Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Unwin.
2. Declarations of Interest: No declarations of interest were made.
3. Consideration of any dispensation requests: There were no dispensation requests.
4. Public Session: The members of the public did not wish to make any representation.
5. Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Council held on 3 October
2022 were considered and unanimously approved as a correct record.
6. Progress Reports:
a) Bear Lane Play Equipment Safety Inspection: Cllr Unwin had attended a RoSPA
training course in October. A rota to check equipment regularly was suggested.
RoSPA will inspect the equipment annually;
b) Clerk Vacancy: The post would be subject to the pay increase awarded by the Local
Government Association with effect from 1 April, which was an increase of £1,925
on all pay points (pro-rated for part-time hours contracted). The Chair will revisit
the financial position and determine whether this increase will require a reduction
in hours to stay within budget;
c) Community Website: Cllr Gray will investigate ‘webmasters’ used by other Parish
Councils and their indicative charges, particularly where there were specialised
websites for Parish Councils;
d) South Worcestershire Development Review Publication Consultation: The Chair
and Vice Chair had attended an on-line briefing meeting on 20 October. The final
South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) draft publication is 800 pages
long. Cllr Wells offered to provide a one side précis. The consultation period on
1 PC 2449 Kevin Johns, Upton-upon-Severn Safer Neighbourhood Team, West Mercia Police
Minutes are draft until approved at
the following meeting
the draft SWDP would run from 1 November until 13 December. Cllr Wells
reported that the six-week consultation was to determine if the SWDP was
“sound”, “deliverable” and “reasonable”. The SWDP and any responses received
will be submitted to Government in January, with a target for adoption in Autumn
Council noted that the draft SWDP refers to a potential site for a solar photovoltaic
farm in Queenhill. If progressed, this would require a planning application. This
reference in the SWDP will be brought to the attention of parishioners via the
community WhatsApp groups.
e) Land Registry B325 Notice of Proposed Alteration of the Register for Longdon
Village Green: The Chair reported that the initiation of the query was unclear. The
Council’s response (objection) had been submitted to the Land Registry within the
deadline. The next step would be contact by the Land Registry’s legal team;
f) Worcestershire Highways Liaison Officer: The Chair thanked Cllr Wells for his
support in the visit by the Highways Liaison Officer, who met with Cllr Cook, Cllr
Davey and Cllr Wells. A productive discussion covered a footway through Longdon,
gates on the B4211 at each entrance to the village and improving road markings.
The Liaison Officer will provide costed options. The base of a previous footway
alongside the B4211 had been identified, although there was a narrow ‘pinchpoint’
with a telegraph pole. It was suggested that the owner of the property there be
approached. The Police and Crime Commissioner had a focus on managing traffic
speed and Cllr Wells suggested an approach to him for help with some of the costs
(for example, gates and additional VAS). Cllr Wells restated his offer of financial
g) Upton upon Severn Safer Neighbourhood Team: The Council welcomed PC Johns,
who reported on a recent speed check conducted in Longdon on a Sunday
afternoon and the opportunities from new TrueCam video technology. PC Johns
was supportive of extending the 30mph limit coming in to the village from the
north (Upton). He will link the Council to Mark Watts, who leads on the
Community Speed Watch initiative, and suggest that he visits to look at potential
sites. The Council offered to publicise the Police’s Neighbourhood Matters website
7. Report from District and County Councillors: Cllr Wells reported:
• There is a current five-year housing supply that validates the existing SWDP;
• The new SWDP has taken three years to develop through the Covid period. It is a
sustainable rail-based plan, including a template for the first new town in
Worcestershire for 50 years.
8. Finance:
a) Financial Position on 31 October 2022: The Council noted the financial position
on 31 October 2022. The electricity cost for the single streetlight on The
Badhams had now reached £91 per month. All approved invoices had been
b) Payment of Fees and Invoices Presented: A Lengthsman’s bill had been
received too late to be considered at the meeting and the Chair would discuss
this with Cllr Unwin. The Council unanimously approved the payment of fees
and invoices as presented;
Invoice: Amount (£324.00):RoSPA Play Safety (Routine Playground Inspection course
for Cllr Unwin)
c) Preparation of 2023/24 Precept: This will be developed through a Council
Working Party in December. Councillors were encouraged to propose ideas for
consideration in future planning and these would be brought together with
input from the Council’s Open Meeting held previously.
9. Longdon Village Hall:
a) Repair and Maintenance: Cllr Gray had met a potential contractor and shared
the schedule of urgent repairs and maintenance. The contactor had provided a
quotation for consideration by Council. The Village Hall Committee (VHC) had
previously agreed to pay for urgent repairs and maintenance. Cllr Gray
proposed acceptance of the quotation at the higher option level and a withheld
contingency, this was seconded by Cllr Cook. It was agreed the Chair would now
approach the VHC to re-approve the costs, following which Cllr Gray would liaise
with the contractor to allow the work to commence as soon as possible. The
contract will be managed by the Council acting as Sole Trustee;
b) Longdon Village Hall Annual General Meeting and Open Discussion: The draft
agenda for this meeting was discussed and final comments invited. An attendance
of twenty people would be provisioned for. A notice had appeared in the last
parishes magazine and Cllr Gray would post a reminder via the WhatsApp Groups.
10. Longdon United Charities: The dissolution of this charity had been proposed by the
Trustees and the views of the Council, which appoints the Trustees, sought. The
principle activity of the Charities is provision of small, cash grants to elderly residents in
the parishes of Longdon, Queenhill and Holdfast. Following a discussion, it was agreed
that the Chair will investigate the terms of the Trust, its charitable purpose and assets,
prior to further discussion by the Council.
11. Planning Applications: Responses to three recent planning applications had been made
and were visible on the Malvern Hills District Council site. Application
19/0081/TWMAJM was discussed. A site visit was to take place on 10 November to
which Councillors were invited. A further planning application, received on 7
November, will be circulated to Councillors for comment by e-mail.
12. Future Meeting Schedule: The date of the next ordinary meeting of Council was
confirmed as Monday, 9 January 2023.
The meeting closed at 9.40 pm.
Signed: ……………………………………………………………………. Date: …………………………..
Chairman, Longdon, Queenhill and Holdfast Parish Council