Meeting of Longdon, Queenhill and Holdfast Parish Council at 7:30PM on Monday 4th September 2023 at Longdon Village Hall, GL20 6AZ
Minutes 09/2023
Present: Trish Mullins (Chair), Hugh Davey, Jim Unwin, Nick Radford, Phil Jones, Kate Cook
In attendance: David Hunter-Miller (Clerk)
1. Chairman’s welcome and announcements
Trish Mullins opened the meeting.
2. Apologies for absence
Apologies were noted from Neil Gray.
3. Declarations of personal and prejudicial interest
3.1. Register of Interests: Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare interests and to update their register of interests as required.
3.2. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Jim Unwin declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in items 8.2 and 8.3.
3.3. Other Disclosable Interests: To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Nil declared.
3.4. Dispensations: To consider any written dispensations from members who have declared an interest but wish to stay in the meeting during that time to aid discussion / speak / vote.
Nil received.
4. Open Session
The meeting was adjourned for the open session.
4.1. District Councillor
Jennie Watkins had sent apologies.
4.2. County Councillor
No report was available.
4.3. Parish Paths Wardens
It was noted that the Parish Path Wardens had requested a discussion with the Lengthsman regarding possible work on Rights of Way under the Lengthsman Scheme (item 9.2).
4.4. Public participation
No questions were received.
The meeting resumed following the open session.
5. To consider and adopt the minutes from the Parish Council meeting on the 3rd July 2023
It was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes as a true record and they were duly signed by the Chair.
6. Progress reports
6.1. Longdon United Charities
It was RESOLVED to approach one of the existing charity trustees to stay in post during the transition period whilst additional volunteer trustees and administrative support is sought. It was noted that three parishioners had already volunteered as Trustees, including Phil Jones who had offered to Chair future charity meetings.
6.2. Community Speedwatch
An update would be sought for the next meeting.
6.3. Highway drainage matters
It was RESOLVED to raise concerns with the County Councillor regarding the poor communication between Worcestershire County Council Highways and Malvern Hills Land Drainage on highway flooding matters.
7. Correspondence
7.1. Police: Update to Parish Council ‘contact contract’
It was RESOLVED to raise the following as policing priorities:
• Speeding – especially at school/commuting times
• Rural theft
7.2. Downing Street Pageantmaster: 80th Anniversary of D-Day on 6th June 2024
It was RESOLVED to circulate the information to the Village Hall Committee. It was noted that the Parish Council would consider an application for funding to support such an event.
7.3. Neighbourhood Development Plan briefing session
It was noted that a briefing session on NDPs had been arranged for 6PM on Monday 25th September 2023 at Bushley Village Hall.
It was RESOLVED to include an update on the briefing session at the next Parish Council meeting.
8. Play Area
8.1. To consider an update on play area inspections
It was noted that the Clerk was working with Jim Unwin to develop play area and tree inspection records.
8.2. To consider quotes for fencing repairs
Jim Unwin left the room for the duration of this item.
A number of quotes were considered. It was RESOLVED to accept a quote of £1,274.00 (no VAT) from Guy Ridley; enquiries would be made to see if more cost effective mesh panels could be utilised.
8.3. To consider quotes for tree felling and pruning work
Jim Unwin left the room for the duration of this item.
A number of quotes were considered. It was RESOLVED to accept a quote from BJ Unwin Forestry Consultancy for £500.00 plus VAT.
It was RESOLVED that the tree felling and pruning work should be completed before the fencing repairs are undertaken (item 8.2).
8.4. To consider the provision of additional play equipment and grant funding opportunities
It was noted that enquiries were being made with various play equipment providers.
It was noted that the Parish Council’s budget setting process (November) would inform how much funding might be available to support the improvements.
It was noted that grant/crowd funding might be available through the Sport England Small Grants Programme and the Malvern Hills Crowdfund scheme.
9. Highways and Lengthsman Scheme
9.1. To receive an update on the Lengthsman Scheme and to consider a report from the Lengthsman
It was noted that the Lengthsman had made a good start on his duties across the group parish and that the results were clearly visible.
It was RESOLVED to ask that the Lengthsman undertakes more thorough hedge cutting around overgrown signs to ensure that they stay exposed.
9.2. To consider suggestions for Lengthsman work on the Public Rights of Way network (trial scheme)
It was RESOLVED to prioritise work on the highway in the short term, rather than divert resources to the Public Rights of Way trial extension to the Lengthsman scheme.
9.3. To consider quotes for regular grass cutting of village amenity land
It was RESOLVED to defer discussions until a future meeting.
9.4. To consider issues with carriageway deterioration along Marsh Road and to note scheduled maintenance work
It was noted that carriageway repair work had been scheduled for five days in the period of the 9th October to 27th October 2023.
9.5. To consider traffic management improvements (including gateway features) and funding
A number of quotes for white traffic gates were considered.
It was considered that the JACs quote offered the best product and value for money but it would be clarified if the gates were of a solid construction. The Clerk would also verify the proposed widths of the gates on site.
It was RESOLVED to make enquiries with Worcestershire County Council regarding free installation of the gates and likely timescales.
It was RESOLVED to submit a grant application to the Police and Crime Commissioner to support the purchase and installation costs.
9.6. To consider an update on increasing footway connectivity on the B4211 at Longdon
It was noted that the Clerk had met with Worcestershire County Council Highways regarding the ‘gap’ in the footway on the B4211 opposite Marsh Lane. It had been established that some of the verge is adopted highway and Worcestershire County Council would consider drawing up plans for a possible footway improvement scheme with a view to adding it to their long-term plan.
9.7. To consider an update on streetlighting in Longdon and to consider quotes for disconnection
It was RESOLVED to accept a quote from Prysmian (Worcestershire County Council’s Streetlighting Contractor) to disconnect and remove the lighting column at The Badhams and also a redundant lighting column at Orchard Ridge (£741.91 per column).
9.8. To consider and adopt a Highways Working Group Terms of Reference
It was RESOLVED that a Highways Working Group was not required at this time.
10. Parish matters for discussion/decision
10.1. To consider a welcome/introduction leaflet for new parishioners
It was noted that work was ongoing to develop a welcome leaflet for new parishioners and it was confirmed that this information would also be published on the Parish Council’s website.
10.2. To consider opening a dialogue with App Fest Tewkesbury
It was noted that the App Festival aims ‘to work passionately for the benefit of our local communities and charity partners’ but it was considered the festival had fallen short of these aims. Issues with noise, traffic and a lack of community engagement/support were noted.
It was RESOLVED that Jim Unwin would open a dialogue with the landowner.
10.3. To consider and adopt an annual ‘action plan’
Ideas were circulated and considered for the Parish Council’s yearly action plan and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would collate the information ready for adoption at the next meeting.
11. Planning
11.1. To consider the following applications to be determined by Malvern Hills District Council:
11.1.1. Nil.
No planning applications.
11.2. To note responses made under delegated authority for the following applications:
11.2.1. M/23/00867/HP: Hill Court Farm, Roberts End Lane, Forthampton, Gloucester, GL19 4QH. To regularise existing planning consent 19/01228/FUL.
It was noted that the Parish Council had submitted a ‘no objection’ response.
11.2.2. M/23/00770/LB: Hill Court Farm, Roberts End Lane, Forthampton, Gloucester, GL19 4QH. To regularise existing planning consent 19/01229/LB for additional works carried out.
It was noted that the Parish Council had submitted a ‘no objection’ response.
11.2.3. M/23/00975/LB: Brook Farm, Longdon Marsh, Longdon, Tewkesbury, GL20 6BD. Removal of wall between Kitchen, Utility and Hallway.
It was noted that the Parish Council had submitted a ‘no objection’ response.
12. Finance
12.1. Bank mandate: To receive an update on bank mandate changes and to approve forms to give online access to all current signatories
It was RESOLVED to approve forms to add online access for Neil Gray and Jim Unwin and to remove Karen Swindells as a signatory to the account.
12.2. Budget expenditure: To consider and approve
It was RESOLVED to approve the budget expenditure.
12.3. Bank reconciliation: To consider and approve
It was RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation.
12.4. Invoices: To approve the following invoices for payment:
12.4.1. David Hunter-Miller (Clerk’s salary and expenses September)
12.4.2. HMRC (PAYE September)
12.4.3. Worcestershire County Council Pension Fund (Clerk’s pension September)
12.4.4. P R Elgey (grass cutting): £190.00
12.4.5. Jeremy Moore (Lengthsman): £256.00
It was RESOLVED to settle the above invoices.
12.4.6. Elan City LTD (SID extended warranty): £1432.80
In view of the high cost it was RESOLVED that the warranty would not be extended and the above invoice would not be settled.
12.5. Delegated Payments: To note the following payments approved between meetings:
12.5.1. 15/08/23 David Hunter-Miller (Clerk’s salary and expenses August)
12.5.2. 15/08/23 HMRC (PAYE August)
12.5.3. 15/08/23 Worcestershire County Council Pension Fund (Clerk’s pension August)
12.5.4. 15/08/23 P R Elgey (grass cutting): £190.00
12.5.5. 15/08/23 Trish Mullins (NALC training): £39.22
12.5.6. 15/08/23 Jeremy Moore (Lengthsman): £384.00
12.5.7. 15/08/23 Ben Perry (grass cutting): £495.00
12.5.8. 15/08/23 Longdon Village Hall (room hire): £77.50
The above payments, made between meetings, were noted.
12.6. Direct Debits: To note the following payments:
12.6.1. 07/07/23 Google Cloud EMEA (email hosting): £28.82
12.6.2. 07/08/23 Google Cloud EMEA (email hosting): £27.60
12.6.3. 21/07/23 Southern Electric (streetlighting): £112.27
12.6.4. 21/08/23 Southern Electric (streetlighting): £110.29
The above payments, made between meetings, were noted.
13. Councillors’ reports and items for the next agenda
It was RESOLVED to add the following items to the next agenda:
• Queenhill noticeboard update
• Playing field working party (arrangements for October)
• Purchase of replacement nets for the goal posts
• NDP briefing update
• Quotes for grass cutting of amenity land
14. Date of the next meeting
The next scheduled meeting is at 7:30PM on Monday 2nd October 2023.
A resolution was passed to exclude members of the public due to the confidential nature of the following items
15. Clerk’s Contract: To review the Clerk’s contracted hours and working from home allowance
It was RESOLVED to increase the Clerk’s contracted hours from 8 hours per week to 10 hours per week with effect from the 1st September 2023.
The meeting closed at 9:41PM.