Extraordinary meeting of Longdon, Queenhill and Holdfast Parish Council at 7:30PM on Monday 11th December 2023 at Longdon Village Hall, GL20 6AZ
Minutes 12E/2023
Present: Trish Mullins (Chair), Neil Gray, Hugh Davey, Kate Cook, Jim Unwin
In attendance: David Hunter-Miller (Clerk)
1. Apologies for absence: To receive apologies and to approve reasons for absence
Apologies were noted from Nick Radford and Phil Jones.
2. Declarations of personal and prejudicial interest
2.1. Register of Interests: With reference to items on the agenda councillors are reminded of their responsibility to declare interests and to update their register of interests as required.
2.2. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Nil declared.
2.3. Other Interests: To declare any Other Registerable Interests or Non-Registerable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Nil declared.
2.4. Dispensations: To consider any written dispensations from councillors who have declared an interest but wish to stay in the meeting during that time to aid discussion / speak / vote.
Nil received.
3. Open Session
The meeting was adjourned for the open session
3.1. Public participation
No members of the public present.
The meeting resumed following the open session.
4. To consider and adopt the minutes from the Parish Council meeting on the 6th November 2023
It was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes as a true record and they were duly signed by the Chair.
5. Longdon Village Hall
5.1. To note delegated authority arrangements made for the purchase of a letter box
It was noted that a letter box had been purchased under delegated authority (item 7.1.9).
5.2. To consider a request for grant funding to support the replacement of the boiler and fuel tank at Longdon Village Hall (from earmarked reserves)
It was RESOLVED to approve a £1,000.00 grant to the Village Hall from earmarked reserves to allow for the relocation of the oil tank (part of a larger package of work to replace the boiler).
It was RESOLVED to review earmarked reserves for the Village Hall at a future meeting.
6. Planning
6.1. To note responses made under delegated authority for the following applications:
6.1.1. M/23/01534/GPDR: Whitefields Court, Longdon Heath, Upton Upon Severn, Worcester, WR8 0RJ. Notification for Prior Approval for the proposed Change the use of an agricultural building to a flexible use being a mixture of class B1 workshop or light industry which is appropriate within a residential area and associated B8 storage via Class R of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015.
It was noted that the Clerk had responded under delegated authority with no objections.
6.1.2. M/23/01562/FUL: Hill End Farm, Longdon Hill End, Upton Upon Severn, Worcester, WR8 0RN. Full planning application for the erection of a hay and fodder store.
It was noted that the Clerk had responded under delegated authority with no objections.
6.1.3. M/23/01614/LB: Holdfast Cottage, Holdfast, Upton Upon Severn, Worcester, WR8 0RB. Secondary glazing to 3 bedroom windows.
It was noted that the Clerk had responded under delegated authority with no objections.
6.1.4. M/23/01058/CU: Brook Farm, Longdon Marsh, Longdon, Tewkesbury, GL20 6BD. Installation of new 35 x 40m menage on site for personal use only.
It was noted that the Clerk had responded under delegated authority with no objections but the following comments:
It is noted that the application states that no lighting will be installed as part of proposals and this is considered essential to mitigate the impact on neighbours and wildlife. This is particularly important as the site is close to the wildlife site at Hill Court Farm and The Blacklands (Worcestershire Wildlife Trust).
It is also noted that provision has been made for permeable surfacing to ensure that existing water courses do not suffer from increased runoff in times of heavy rain. This is considered crucial as the area around Marsh Road does regularly suffer from regular surface water flooding.
It is noted that the facility will be for personal use only and it is suggested that this could be included as a planning condition. The Parish Council would endorse this suggestion as any future commercial/business would have an impact on traffic and potential noise interference for neighbours.
6.1.5. M/23/01621/FUL: The Arches, Roberts End Lane, Forthampton, Gloucester, GL19 4QH. Construction of horse menage with railway sleepers around perimeter and surface water soak away. Construction of 2m high earth bund alongside boundary with M50 (retrospective).
It was noted that the Clerk had responded under delegated authority with no objections.
7. Finance
7.1. Invoices: To approve the following invoices for payment:
7.1.1. David Hunter-Miller (Clerk’s salary and expenses)
7.1.2. HMRC (PAYE)
7.1.3. Worcestershire County Council Pension Fund (Clerk’s pension)
7.1.4. P R Elgey (grass cutting): £190.00
7.1.5. P R Elgey (grass cutting): £95.00
7.1.6. Jeremy Moore (Lengthsman): £256.00
7.1.7. UK Safety Store (play area sign): £38.05
7.1.8. David Hunter-Miller (web domain renewal): £55.15
7.1.9. David Hunter-Miller (village hall letter box): £48.95
It was RESOLVED to settle the above invoices.
7.2. Direct Debits: To note the following payments:
7.2.1. 07/11/23 Google Cloud EMEA (email hosting): £27.60
The above direct debit payment was noted.
A resolution was passed to exclude members of the public due to the confidential nature of the following item.
8. Clerk’s employment: To note the National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) National Salary Award 2023-24.
It was noted that the 2023/24 salary award had been applied and backdated to 1st April 2023.
The meeting closed at 7:40PM.