Annual Meeting of Longdon, Queenhill and Holdfast Parish Council at 7:30PM on Monday 13th May 2024 at Longdon Village Hall, GL20 6AZ
Minutes 05/2024
Present: Trish Mullins (Chair), Neil Gray, Hugh Davey, Phil Jones, Kate Cook, Nick Radford, Carl Taylor-Hall
In attendance: David Hunter-Miller (Clerk), Tom Wells (County Councillor)
1. Election of a Chairman and signing the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
It was unanimously RESOLVED to elect Trish Mullins as Chair for the 2024/25 municipal year and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed.
2. Election of a Vice-Chairman
It was unanimously RESOLVED to elect Neil Gray as Vice-Chair for the 2024/25 municipal year.
3. Apologies for absence: To receive apologies and to approve reasons for absence
Apologies were noted from Jim Unwin.
4. Declarations of personal and prejudicial interest
4.1. Register of Interests: With reference to items on the agenda councillors are reminded of their responsibility to declare interests and to update their register of interests as required.
4.2. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Nil declared.
4.3. Other Interests: To declare any Other Registerable Interests or Non-Registerable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Trish Mullins declared a non-registerable interest in item 7.3.
4.4. Dispensations: To consider any written dispensations from councillors who have declared an interest but wish to stay in the meeting during that time to aid discussion / speak / vote.
Nil received.
5. Open Session
The meeting was adjourned for the open session
5.1. District Councillor
Jennie Watkins had sent apologies and provided a written update in relation to items 7.2 and 7.3.
5.2. County Councillor
Tom Wells provided an update in relation to item 11.5.
5.3. Parish Paths Wardens
No matters were reported.
5.4. Public participation
No questions were received.
The meeting resumed following the open session.
6. To consider and adopt the minutes from the Parish Council meeting on the 4th March 2024
It was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes as a true record and they were duly signed by the Chair.
7. Progress reports
7.1. Councillor vacancies
It was noted that there was one vacancy on the parish council and enquiries from parishioners were welcomed. It was RESOLVED to publicise the vacancy locally.
7.2. Collaboration with AppFest organisers
It was noted that Jennie Watkins was continuing to liaise with MHDC licensing officers and assurance was given that discussions between the council, police and applicant would take place prior to the next event to review concerns with noise and traffic. It was anticipated that a substantive update would be available for the next meeting.
It was noted that the AppFest website and organisers were advertising that the music would finish at midnight and not 11:30PM as per the terms of the licence; it was RESOLVED to raise this concern with Jennie Watkins.
7.3. Unoccupied property, Marsh Lane
It was noted that Jennie Watkins was continuing to liaise with MHDC Housing Services.
7.4. Community Speedwatch
It was RESOLVED to ask the Police to expedite the necessary background checks as these had been outstanding for some time.
7.5. Holdfast noticeboard
It was noted that a new noticeboard/sign had been installed at Holdfast and the parish council were now compliant with transparency requirements.
7.6. Biodiversity Enhancement Assessment
It was noted that a report had been commissioned to look at how biodiversity could be improved at the playing field.
7.7. Rural broadband provision
It was noted that Worcestershire County Council were currently undertaking a county-wide procurement exercise for rural broadband provision and so an update was not available at this time.
8. Correspondence
8.1. Malvern Hills District Council: Free support for community litter picks
It was RESOLVED to publicise the scheme locally.
8.2. Worcestershire County Council: Town and Parish Councils Conference, 6PM 12th June 2024
The above invite was noted.
8.3. NALC: Funding update on moving over to a domain
The above grant funding was noted.
9. Playing Field
9.1. To receive consider the ROSPA play area inspection report
Councillors extended their thanks to Jim Unwin for his work monitoring and maintaining the play area.
It was noted that there were no matters requiring attention in the latest RoSPA inspection report.
9.2. To consider quotations for the refurbishment of the goal posts
It was RESOLVED to approve up to £378.00 for stripping and powder coating the goal posts.
10. Parish matters for discussion/decision
10.1. To review email and secure storage requirements (currently Google Workspace)
It was RESOLVED that formal email addresses were only needed for the Clerk and Chair, and that there was no need for additional paid cloud storage (the Clerk uses a free cloud service). It was anticipated that this would result in a significant monthly cost saving.
11. Highways and Lengthsman Scheme
11.1. To receive an update on the Lengthsman Scheme and to consider any items for the Lengthsman’s work schedule
No matters were reported.
11.2. To consider renewing the Worcestershire County Council Lengthsman Annual Agreement 2024/25
It was RESOLVED to renew the Worcestershire County Council Lengthsman Contract for 2024/25.
11.3. To consider the Lengthsman contract for services 2024/25
It was RESOLVED to renew the Lengthsman contract for services with Jeremy Moore for 2024/25.
11.4. To receive an update on highway drainage matters and to consider actions
It was noted that further drainage improvement work had been successfully completed at Queenhill; Nick Radford would continue to liaise with Worcestershire County Council over outstanding flooding issues.
11.5. To receive an update on traffic calming measures for the B4211 and A438 and to consider actions
It was noted that Eldersfield Parish Council were not looking to contribute funding towards traffic calming measures at Long Green at this time.
It was RESOLVED to purchase one new village sign for Long Green for eastbound traffic and to seek permission from Eldersfield Parish Council to relocate the existing smaller westbound sign so that it is adjacent to the speed limit terminal signs.
It was RESOLVED to purchase one new village sign for Yard Bridge for southbound traffic.
It was RESOLVED to purchase a Speed Indicating Device with solar panel from Elan City (previous supplier to the parish council). Tom Wells kindly offered a contribution of £1,500.00 towards the purchase costs, provided the sign was used on rotation including on the A438.
12. Planning
12.1. To consider the following applications to be determined by Malvern Hills District Council:
12.1.1. M/24/00352/HP: Vine Cottage, The Rampings, Longdon, Tewkesbury, GL20 6AJ. Proposed 2 storey extension to house a lift and addition of a further gable end window, external balcony and stairs.
It was RESOLVED that the parish council had no objections or concerns.
12.2. To note responses made under delegated authority for the following applications:
12.2.1. M/24/00154/LB: The Old School Lodge Longdon Tewkesbury GL20 6AT. Internal alterations to a Listed Building
It was noted that the parish council had responded under delegated authority with no objections or concerns.
13. Annual business as per Standing Orders
13.1. General Power of Competence: To review eligibility
It was RESOLVED that the parish council still met the eligibility criteria for the General Power of Competence.
13.2. To review or adopt the following policies and procedures
13.2.1. Balances and Reserves Policy
13.2.2. Biodiversity Policy
13.2.3. Code of Conduct (LGA)
13.2.4. Complaints Procedure
13.2.5. Delegation Policy (Urgent Decisions of the Council)
13.2.6. Disciplinary Policy
13.2.7. Equal Opportunities Policy
13.2.8. Financial Regulations
13.2.9. Freedom of Information Guide
13.2.10. Grievance Policy
13.2.11. Health and Safety Policy
13.2.12. Playground Inspection and Maintenance Policy
13.2.13. Publication Scheme
13.2.14. Retention Policy
13.2.15. Standing Orders
13.2.16. Training and Development Policy
13.2.17. Tree Management Policy
It was RESOLVED that no changes were required to the above policies.
13.3. To review insurance, risk and assets
13.3.1. Risk Management Policy and Risk Register
It was RESOLVED that no changes were required to the above policy and register.
13.3.2. Insurance cover
It was noted that the policy was part way through a 3-year long term agreement and that the cover was adequate.
13.3.3. Inventory of Assets
It was RESOLVED to dispose of two litter bins from the asset register; the bins would be advertised with nearby parish councils.
It was RESOLVED to dispose of the surplus mobile phone via CeX and remove from the asset register.
13.4. To review appointment to committees, working groups and external bodies
13.4.1. Parish Paths Warden
It was noted, with thanks, that parishioners Debbie Gray and Cindy Foster would continue in this role.
13.4.2. Play area inspector
It was RESOLVED that Neil Gray would review the monthly internal inspection reports.
13.4.3. Longdon United Charities
It was RESOLVED to reappoint Phil Jones to the Longdon United Charities.
13.5. To review the meeting schedule for the year ahead
It was RESOLVED to continue to hold scheduled meetings at 7:30PM on the first Monday of each month (except April, August and December where there are no scheduled council meetings).
14. Finance
14.1. 2023/24 Accounts: To consider and approve the end of year accounts and bank reconciliation
It was RESOLVED to approve the 2023/24 end of the year accounts and bank reconciliation.
14.2. Certificate of Exemption: To self-certify exemption from external audit
It was RESOLVED that the parish council had met the requirements to certify itself exempt from external audit and the certificate was duly signed.
14.3. Annual Internal Audit Report: To consider and approve
The Internal Audit Report was considered and it was noted that there were no recommendations requiring attention.
14.4. Annual Governance Statement: To consider and approve
The Annual Governance Statement was considered and it was RESOLVED that each statement had been achieved and it was duly signed.
14.5. Accounting Statements: To consider and approve
The Statement of Accounts was considered and it was RESOLVED to approve it and it was duly signed.
14.6. Bank mandate: To review bank signatory arrangements
It was noted that the current bank signatory arrangements were satisfactory.
14.7. Budget expenditure 2024/25: To consider and approve
It was RESOLVED to approve the current budget expenditure.
14.8. Bank reconciliation 2024/25: To consider and approve
It was RESOLVED to approve the current bank reconciliation.
14.9. Invoices: To approve the following invoices for payment:
14.9.1. David Hunter-Miller (Clerk’s salary and expenses)
14.9.2. HMRC (PAYE)
14.9.3. Worcestershire County Council Pension Fund (Clerk’s pension)
14.9.4. Jeremy Moore (Lengthsman): £288.00
14.9.5. Worcestershire CALC: £449.26
14.9.6. David Hunter-Miller (playing field combination lock): £21.29
14.9.7. Kate Cook (annual meeting expenses): £26.33
14.9.8. Zurich Municipal (insurance): £462.22
14.9.9. Elias Garden Services Limited (grass cutting): £144.00
It was RESOLVED to settle the above invoices.
14.10. Direct Debits: To note the following payments:
14.10.1. 07/03/24 Google Cloud EMEA (email hosting): £27.60
14.10.2. 08/04/24 Google Cloud EMEA (email hosting): £30.57
The above direct debit payments were noted.
15. Councillors’ reports and items for the next agenda
It was noted that a parishioner had requested a litter bin be provided at Queenhill; it was RESOLVED that this would not be possible due to the high costs associated with emptying bins.
It was RESOLVED to contact the grass cutting contractor to request that grass cuttings be mulched in future.
It was noted that concerns had been reported regarding surface maintenance of Byway QH-521 to St Nicholas’s Church; it was RESOLVED to make enquiries with Worcestershire County Council before the next meeting.
It was RESOLVED to add the following items to the next agenda:
• Additional defibrillator(s)
• Further review of Risk Management Policy and Risk Register
• Play area equipment and grant funding
• Byway QH-521 surface maintenance
16. Date of the next meeting
The next scheduled meeting is at 7:30PM on Monday 3rd June 2024.
The meeting closed at 9:40PM.