Annual Meeting of Longdon, Queenhill and Holdfast Parish Council at 7:30PM on Monday 15th May 2023 at Longdon Village Hall, GL20 6AZ
Minutes 05/2023
Present: Trish Mullins (Chair), Neil Gray, Hugh Davey, Jim Unwin, Kate Cook, Phil Jones, Nick Radford
In attendance: David Hunter-Miller (Clerk), one member of the public
1. Election of a Chairman and signing the Declaration of Acceptance of Office
It was unanimously RESOLVED to elect Trish Mullins as Chair for the 2023/24 municipal year.
Councillors extended their thanks to Trish for her continuing hard work as Chair, especially keeping the council on track during the period without a Clerk.
Thanks were also extended to Neil Faram for his hard work on the council over many years; it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would send a thank you letter.
2. Election of a Vice-Chairman
It was unanimously RESOLVED to elect Neil Gray as Vice-Chair for the 2023/24 municipal year.
3. Apologies for absence
All members present.
4. Declarations of Acceptance of Office: Signing by those members present and to consider deferring signing for any members not present
Councillors’ Declarations of Acceptance of Office were duly signed.
5. Election Expenses: To note the requirement for members to submit a declaration of election expenses return
Councillors were reminded of the requirement to submit election expenses returns.
6. Declarations of personal and prejudicial interest
6.1. Register of Interests: Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare interests and to update their register of interests as required.
Councillors were reminded to update their Register of Interests forms as required.
6.2. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests: To declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Nil declared.
6.3. Other Disclosable Interests: To declare any Other Disclosable Interests in items on the agenda and their nature.
Nil declared.
6.4. Dispensations: To consider any written dispensations from members who have declared an interest but wish to stay in the meeting during that time to aid discussion / speak / vote.
Nil received.
7. Open Session
The meeting was adjourned for the open session
7.1. District Councillor
No report was available.
7.2. County Councillor
No report was available.
7.3. Public participation
No questions were received.
The meeting resumed following the open session
8. To consider and adopt the minutes from the Parish Council meeting on the 3rd April 2023
It was RESOLVED to adopt the minutes as a true record and they were duly signed by the Chair.
9. Progress reports
9.1. Community Speedwatch
It was noted that six volunteers had come forward to assist with the Community Speedwatch and the Police would be contacted to progress the scheme.
9.2. Parish Council Websites
It was noted that the Clerk now had administrator access to the Parish Council’s website. It was noted that the Clerk would make arrangements to transfer the documents from the old Worcestershire County Council hosted website to the new website.
9.3. Traffic management improvements and funding
It was noted that Worcestershire County Council Highways have been out to jet two of the problem locations (at Holdfast and Queenhill) but further survey work is awaited. Enquiries with Worcestershire County Council Highways were ongoing regarding a number of locations with more complicated land drainage issues to resolve.
It was suggested that the community should coordinate directly with the Police (Upton Safer Neighbourhood Team) regarding attendance at any future public meetings.
It was noted that potential locations for ‘white gate’ traffic calming features had been surveyed and that additional grant funding from the Police and Crime Commissioner might be available. It was RESOLVED to defer further discussion until the next meeting.
10. Correspondence
10.1. Community Action & Age UK: supporting community needs survey
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Mullins would undertake the survey.
11. Play Area
11.1. To consider the ROSPA inspection for the Bear Lane Play Area
It was RESOLVED to seek three quotes for fencing repairs and tree removal for consideration at a future meeting.
It was noted that Cllr Unwin would make arrangements to tighten the loose bolts identified in the survey.
It was RESOLVED to coordinate future ROSPA surveys so that Cllr Unwin could attend.
12. Highways and Lengthsman Scheme
12.1. To receive an update on the Lengthsman Scheme and to consider signing up for 2023-24
It was RESOLVED to sign up to the Lengthsman Scheme for 2023-24 financial year, noting that the available funding would be £3,558.92.
12.2. To consider the appointment of a Lengthsman
It was RESOLVED to advertise the Lengthsman vacancy on the Parish Council’s website and by emailing adjacent Parish Councils directly.
It was RESOLVED to consider a work schedule for the Lengthsman at the next meeting.
13. Planning: To consider the following applications to be determined by Malvern Hills District Council:
13.1. M/23/00603/HP: Milestone Cottage, Longdon, Tewkesbury, GL20 6AT. Construction of timber clad garden building with new vehicular access
It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council had no objections to the proposals but would endorse the comments of the Highway Authority regarding the need for the new access to be constructed with suitable visibility splays.
14. Parish matters for discussion/decision
14.1. To consider a Scheme of Delegation for urgent decisions between scheduled meetings
It was RESOLVED to approve a Scheme of Delegation.
14.2. To consider a Planning Delegation Policy for planning matters that fall between scheduled meetings
It was RESOLVED to approve a Planning Delegation Policy.
14.3. To consider quotes for the provision of an additional noticeboard
It was RESOLVED to approve a quote for a replacement noticeboard at Queenhill from GHG House & Garden Maintenance at £450.00.
It was RESOLVED that the dilapidated noticeboards at Hill End and The Rampings could be disposed of.
14.4. To consider a quote for extending the service contract with Elan City (Vehicular Activated Signs)
It was RESOLVED to accept the quote for the extended service contract with Elan City that covers a three year period totalling £474.41.
15. Annual business as per Standing Orders
15.1. General Power of Competence: To review eligibility
It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council met the eligibility criteria for the General Power of Competence and it was duly adopted.
15.2. To review or adopt the following policies and procedures
15.2.1. Code of Conduct (LGA model)
It was RESOLVED that no amendments were required to the existing policy.
15.2.2. Complaints Procedure
It was RESOLVED to defer discussions on this item until a future meeting.
15.2.3. Disciplinary Policy
It was RESOLVED that no amendments were required to the existing policy.
15.2.4. Equal Opportunities Policy
It was RESOLVED to adopt a new policy.
15.2.5. Financial Regulations
It was RESOLVED that no amendments were required to the existing policy.
15.2.6. Grievance Policy
It was RESOLVED that no amendments were required to the existing policy.
15.2.7. Health and Safety Policy
It was RESOLVED to adopt a new policy.
15.2.8. Standing Orders
It was RESOLVED that no amendments were required to the existing policy.
15.3. To review insurance, risk and assets
15.3.1. Risk Management Policy and Risk Register
It was RESOLVED to adopt a new policy and risk register.
15.3.2. Insurance cover
It was noted that the Clerk had approached three companies to quote for insurance cover. It was RESOLVED to accept a quote from Zurich Insurance at £434.80 under a three-year Long Term Agreement.
15.3.3. Inventory of Assets
It was RESOLVED to adopt an updated inventory of assets.
15.4. To review appointment to committees, working groups and external bodies
15.4.1. Parish Paths Warden
It was noted that two parishioners were currently undertaking this role and they would be invited to a future meeting to provide an update and to see if the Parish Council could offer any assistance.
15.5. To review the meeting schedule for the year ahead
It was RESOLVED to hold nine scheduled meetings per year, on the first Monday of every month except August, December and April.
16. Finance
16.1. 2022/23 Accounts: To consider and approve the end of year accounts and bank reconciliation
It was RESOLVED to approve the 2022/23 end of the year accounts and bank reconciliation.
16.2. Certificate of Exemption: To self-certify exemption from external audit
It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council had met the requirements to certify itself exempt from external audit and the certificate was duly signed.
16.3. Annual Internal Audit Report: To consider and approve
The internal auditor’s report was considered and it was noted that there were no recommendations requiring attention.
16.4. Annual Governance Statement: To consider and approve
The Annual Governance Statement was considered and it was RESOLVED that each statement had been achieved and it was duly signed.
16.5. Accounting Statements: To consider and approve
The Statement of Accounts was considered and it was RESOLVED to approve it and it was duly signed.
16.6. Bank mandate: To review bank signatory arrangements
It was RESOLVED to prepare new bank mandate paperwork to remove all signatories that were no longer Councillors and to add the Clerk as a limited power signatory.
16.7. 2023/24 Budget expenditure: To consider and approve
It was RESOLVED to approve the budget expenditure.
16.8. 2023/24 Bank reconciliation: To consider and approve
It was RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation.
16.9. Invoices: To approve the following invoices for payment:
16.9.1. David Hunter-Miller (Clerk’s salary April/May)
16.9.2. Worcestershire County Council Pension Fund (Clerk’s pension April/May)
16.9.3. HMRC (PAYE): £118.20
16.9.4. DCK Payroll Solutions (payroll): £24.00
16.9.5. Iain Selkirk (internal audit): £115.00
It was RESOLVED to settle the above invoices.
16.9.6. BHIB Ltd (insurance renewal): £495.15
It was RESOLVED to accept an alternative quote from Zurich Insurance at £434.80 under a three-year Long Term Agreement.
16.9.7. Playsafety Limited (play area inspection): £90.00
16.9.8. Worcestershire CALC (service charge): £429.49
16.9.9. T Mullins (Arnold-Baker on Local Council Administration): £145.31
It was RESOLVED to settle the above invoices.
16.10. Direct Debits: To note the following payments:
16.10.1. 11/04/23 Google Cloud EMEA Limited (website hosting): £32.20
16.10.2. 21/04/23 Southern Electric (street lighting supply): £112.67
The above payments were noted.
17. Councillors’ reports and items for the next agenda
It was RESOLVED to add the following items to the next agenda:
• Play area fencing repair/tree removal quotes
• Lengthsman work schedule
• Additional play area equipment
• Village traffic gateway features
• Parish Path Warden update
• Laptop battery/replacement
• Adoption of complaints procedure
• Adoption of tree inspection schedule
• Adoption of Freedom of Information Act and publication scheme
18. Date of the next meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting is scheduled for 7:30PM on Monday 22nd May 2023.
The next ordinary council meeting is scheduled for 7:30PM on Monday 5th June 2023.
A resolution was passed to exclude members of the public due to the confidential nature of the following item.
19. Pensions Regulator: To consider re-enrolment duties
It was noted that the re-declaration deadline was the 9th August 2023 and the Clerk had completed the re-enrolment duties accordingly.
The meeting closed at 9:25PM.